AECOsim Building Designer Help

Change Type dialog

The Change Type dialog is used to review the property values being changed while modifying a building element. The dialog opens when an existing catalog item in the Catalog Item Selector is changed to another.

Tip: This utility aids in comparing old and new properties side-by-side and make a decision to adopt a best suitable catalog item.
Changing <from> to <Catalog Item> The header displays the name of the existing catalog item being changed to the <catalog item> selected in the next box.
Catalog Item Selector Used to select from available Catalog Items. The Catalog Item Selector combo box contains several options and settings designed to make it easier to find the exact catalog item you need to replace.
  • Search - Used to search for catalog items by name. Results are dynamically updated in the catalog items list. The searched text is also highlighted in the results.
  • Group By: - Disabled in this workflow.
  • (Large Icons) - Displays a representative icon for each catalog item listing.
  • (List) - Displays catalog item listings without any icons.
  • - When selected, the Catalog Item Selector combo box is detached from the change type dialog, and becomes a separate dialog. The highlighted catalog item reflects in Recently Used list. You may prefer to have the floated dialog docked and always open over clicking the Catalog Item Selector in the modify dialog for each catalog item selection.
    Note: The previous (change type) dialog reappears once you close the floated dialog by clicking the windows Close (the red X) button.
  • Recently Used - Lists catalog items that were recently selected. This is useful because when you need to repeatedly replace the same catalog items, you do not need to repeatedly browse or search the main catalog items list.
Properties Search tools
The Properties combo box contains tools for sorting and searching the properties list:
  • (Categorize) - When on, catalog item properties are grouped in categories based on the catalog type definitions. When off, the properties are listed alphabetically without grouping.
  • (Alphabetical) - When on, catalog item properties are listed alphabetically without grouping. When off, the properties are listed in categories.
  • Search - Used to search for catalog item properties by name. Results are dynamically updated in the properties list. A wildcard
Properties list table Used to list catalog item properties of the instance in the model.
  • Property Name (unnamed Column) — Lists the name of the properties in the selected catalog.
  • Old Value — Lists the value against each property of catalog type of element in the model being picked for changing type. of the existing name of the properties in the selected catalog.
  • New Value — Lists the value against each property of catalog type currently selected in the Catalog Item Selector.
The highlighted values indicate those properties that have variance in the value.
Show all properties Checked by default. When unchecked, only properties that have variance in values are listed.
OK Accepts changed type catalog item and applies New Values to the element. Cancel discards the change type action.