RAM Structural System Help

Reports - Connection Check

Selecting the Reports > Connection Check command will cause a Connection Check to be run and a Connection Check Report to be generated. During the Connection Check, the maximum reaction at each end of each beam (except those with cantilevers) is compared with the capacity of the typical connection for that beam size as specified in user created tables. If the reaction exceeds the specified allowable, the beam and its reaction is listed in the Connection Check Report.

No Connection tables are provided with the Beam Design module therefore, before a Connection Check can be run, a connection table must be created. See the RAM Manager manual for more information on creating connection check tables.

Beams with Connection Check warnings are highlighted in white. This can be turned on and off using the Connection Check button in the toolbar.

To Create the Connection Check Report

  1. The user-created connection tables you created will appear in the list box within the Connection Check dialog box. Select the table to be used by clicking on it.
  2. Click OK.