RAM Structural System Help

Results - Vertical Reactions

Last updated: February 01, 2022

Following a successful analysis of one or more stories, you can select Process > Results > Vertical Reactions to display the Vertical Reactions of each story's analysis. These results can be used to independently verify the results of the analysis for each story's analysis. Note that reaction forces at each story are reversed and applied as loads to the supporting story for the next stories. Only significant reactions (larger than some small magnitude) are shown for each load case. Reactions are scaled relative to each other but the scaling is not exact.

The display options selected here are only visible on the screen while this dialog box is displayed. The dialog box can be moved and the screen printed and model manipulated (zoom etc) while this window is displayed.

Click Apply to have the current selections displayed on the screen

Story Select the Story for which to display the reactions from the analysis. When a story is selected, all of the analyzed load cases for that story will be available for selection in the Load Case drop-down. When the user clicks Apply, only the members that were part of the analysis of this story will be displayed
Load Case Select the load case for which to view reactions. Refer to the Analysis Criteria (see Section 2.5.2) for more information on how load cases are generated. Click Apply to have the load case reactions displayed on the screen. The beams or surface load polygons (in the two-way deck region) that are loaded in the selected load case are highlighted. If no beams are highlighted then the selected load case is one in which the columns are loaded (loads from story above or user applied column point loads).

Load Cases are labeled according to their type (Dead Load = DL, Live Load Reducible = LLred, Live Load Unreducible and Partition = LLunred, Live Load Storage = LLstor, and live load roof = LLroof). Where there are multiple load cases of one type, (LLred1, LLred2 etc) they represent all the different load cases in which loads of that particular type (live load reducible) was applied.