RAM Structural System Help

Concept Story Status

To coordinate the RAM Structural System model and the various RAM Concept models, the program provides state information for each story in the structural model. This state or status information indicates the current state of the RAM Structural System model relative to the RAM Concept model. This is to provide feedback to the user as to whether a particular set of column and wall results for a story are one of the following:

  • Current (Green) - The RAM Structural and Concept Models are identical and in synch.
  • Not Current (Yellow) - There is some potential minor difference between the RAM Concept model and the RAM Structural model. This is typically caused by a reframe of a story in the RAM Structural System model at a point in time after Concept has imported the loads and geometry for the story. It could however also refer to a change in member size in RAM Structural System, which again has not been recognized in the data that RAM Concept already has for this story.
  • Not Available (Red) - Typically indicates either RAM Concept has not imported any data for this story, has not exported forces for this story, or that a significant (major) change has occurred to this story in the Structural System model since either the import or export occurred. A significant major change could be any of: Addition or deletion of columns or walls, or the deletion of stories or changing the floor type on a story.

Only stories whose status is Current (green), or Not Current (yellow) can be selected to have their forces integrated with RAM Structural System. Stories that have a state of Invalid (red) cannot be selected. Also, if a story is directly affected by hanging column forces it will not show up in the dialog.

The status of a particular story is determined using the following rules and definitions:

Source Story: Story whose model geometry and loads are imported into RAM Concept from.

  • Target Story: Story into which RAM Concept Forces are exported.
  • Floor type: The floor that is assigned to a story in RAM Structural System. One or more stories can be assigned the same floor type in the RAM Modeler.
  • Major Change Time: The most recent time that a significant change occurred to the story in the RAM Structural System model. This change could be as a result of the addition or deletion of columns or walls at a story, the addition or deletion of stories or the changing of a story's floor type.
  • Minor Change Time: The most recent time that a minor change occurred to the story in the RAM Structural System model. This change could be as a result of any reframe of a story (moved framing, other model changes such as slab edge, load changes etc).
  • Major Read Time: The most recent time at which RAM Concept imported the geometry and member properties from the RAM Structural System for the particular story.
  • Minor Read Time: The most recent time at which RAM Concept imported the story loads.

RAM Concept will export results back into the RAM Structural System providing the RAM Structural System with the Target Story, the Source Story and a set of flags (values) related to actions made in RAM Concept. These flags, which represent any difference between the RAM Concept and RAM Structural System model, are used as the last criteria on which the story status is determined. Given this information RAM Structural System determines the story status as follows: