RAM Structural System Help


Three color schemes are used in the Concrete Column module: Model Colors, Design Colors, and Interaction Colors. The default scheme is Design Colors. The color scheme to be displayed can be selected by using the View > Colors command or clicking on the color toggle button described below.

Icon Description
A 'Color' toggle button and associated menu items have been added to the RAM Concrete Column Module. The display colors the members to reflect their current design status. Clicking the toggle button to cycle to the next available color option (Model, Design or interaction) or select 'Colors ' command from the 'View' menu.

The graphic displayed on the button reflects the current model display colors, which are different form the mode that will be toggled to by clicking the button.

Model Colors The Model colors are those used in the Modeler, and are useful in distinguishing between members of different materials and properties.
Design Colors The Design colors indicate the design status of each column. All non-concrete column members are colored dark gray. The color of each concrete column indicates its design status as follows:
  • Light Blue – Column is not ready for design. Check that Bar Patterns are created and assigned and that there are load combinations defined.
  • Yellow - Column is ready for design.
  • Green – Column was designed and passed all design checks.
  • Blue – Column design passed and the design was frozen.
  • Red – Column was designed and some design errors were reported. The warnings can be viewed in the View/Update dialog box or in the Column Design Report. If a column is frozen but has some design warnings it will be colored red to indicate that design warnings were found.
Note: Once a design is performed on a column line, all columns in the column line will be color-coded to indicate their new design status. Columns are repainted on a column-by-column basis according to their individual status.
Interaction Colors The Interaction Colors indicate the magnitude of the design load capacity equation results, with blue indicating a lightly stressed column and red indicating failure, with gradations of colors representing stress levels in between. The Interaction Colors are determined and made available when the Process > Design All command is invoked.