RAM Structural System Help

Layout - Beams - Assign Size

The Layout - Beams - Assign Size command is used to assign sizes to the gravity or lateral beams in the model. It is not necessary to assign sizes to gravity beams. The RAM Steel Beam Design module will optimize the size of steel members if no assignment is made. Sizes MUST be assigned to the lateral beams before running RAM Frame. For steel frame beams, if the size has not been entered in the Modeler, the beam can be preliminarily sized by the RAM Steel Beam Design program prior to running RAM Frame.

For Concrete and 'Other', sizes must be defined in the PropTables - Beam Section before they can be assigned.

For Smartbeam, the Type of Smartbeam, Castellated or Cellular, must be specified, and the size can then be assigned from either the Default or Alternate Design tables. When a Smartbeam size is assigned, values for dt and e must also be specified for Castellated beams, or values for Do and S for Cellular beams. The default values for Castellated beams are the Standard dt and the Maximum e from the castellated (Smartbeam) design table. The default values for Cellular beams are the Standard Do from the cellular design table (either the Standard Composite value or the Stardard Noncomposite value as selected by the user) and the Maximum S allowed.

For Westok CELLBEAM, Top and Bottom Tees must be selected to assign a beam size. The selected can be made from either the Default or Alternate Design tables.

When Assign Beam Size is chosen from the Layout - Westok CELLBEAMs menu, a list of the steel sections for both the Top and Bottom Tees will be listed in the drop-down list boxes. Choose the beam's tee sizes by clicking on a selection from each of the drop-down list boxes.

When Assign Size is chosen from the Layout - Beam menu, the previously defined beam sizes (in the case of Concrete and 'Other') or a list of the steel sections will be listed in the drop-down list box. Choose the beam size by clicking on it.

Click either Single or Fence.

Single: Click the target cursor on a beam to assign it the currently selected size. This size is applied to ALL levels of the given floor type.
Fence: Fence an area in which the currently selected size will be assigned to all beams. This size is applied to ALL levels of the given floor type.

Return to the Assign Beam Size dialog box with the Right Mouse Button or the "D" key.

Return to the Layout - Beams menu with the "M" key.

Clicking the Cancel button or selecting any other RAM Modeler Layout command will end the Layout - Beams - Assign Size command.