RAM Structural System Help

Frame Numbers

When RAM Frame analyzes the lateral frame members, it analyzes each as part of one large three-dimensional frame. For output purposes it may be desirable to identify portions of the overall frame as members of distinct individual “frames”. This is done by assigning frame numbers using the Layout - Frame Numbers command. For example, all of the frame members along a particular grid could be assigned frame number 1, those along another grid assigned frame number 2, etc. The member results in the output reports would then be grouped and ordered by frame numbers.

Frame numbers can be assigned to frame members to group them in any convenient way. It is not essential to assign any frame numbers; they are assigned frame number 0 by default.

Frame numbers can only be assigned to Lateral members; they cannot be assigned to, nor are they used by, Gravity members.

Frame numbers can be viewed by invoking the Show Frame Numbers command from the Options menu or by selecting the Show Frame Numbers button from the toolbar.