RAM Structural System Help

Building the Framing Tables

Upon invoking RAM Frame, the database status is checked to determine whether or not the program needs to perform the initial gravity analysis. This is necessary to process gravity loads on one-way slab areas. This analysis is referred to as "Building the Framing Tables", or "Framing". Framing is the process of analyzing a model and creating the database files that contain the information on member interaction, Live Load Reduction, and individual member loading.

If the Framing Tables were previously built by the program and no changes have subsequently been made to the database, the program will not repeat that process when RAM Frame is started, and the RAM Frame opens immediately. If certain criteria have been changed or if the model has been modified, the Framing Tables must be rebuilt. Framing will be performed, after which the RAM Frame commands will be available. This entire process is handled automatically by the program.