RAM Structural System Help

RSS Feed

The RAM Manager has a view pane in the bottom portion of the main screen which displays items from a custom Bentley Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed. The feed items are used to provide timely information on new updates, releases, and general product news. The intent of this feature is to get timely and relevant information to our users. The items in the list may be updated at any time so they should be checked regularly for new announcements.

Clicking on a feed item will launch the default browser and load the associated web page (link) if an internet connection is available on the computer. If the RSS feed is unavailable, or if there is no internet connection, a single feed item will be listed, with a link to the RAM Structural System web page on the Bentley website (the link won't be active if there is no internet connection available).

Note: If this is consistently the only Feed displayed, important announcements and information are being missed.

Items in the feed are icon coded. Icons have the following general meanings:

Icon Description
Critical messages and patches
Notification of new releases available for download
Messages from Bentley not specifically related to RAM products
Educational announcements, upcoming seminars, webinars, etc.
Everything else, general important information

Some feed items may be specific to certain regions. Those items may be filtered out by selecting Tools > RSS Feeds Options and then unchecking the appropriate options in the Specify RSS Feed Options dialog. The general items (Worldwide) cannot be filtered out.

The RSS items pane may be resized and will automatically show scroll bars if more items are listed than can be displayed in the current pane size.